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The 100 subjects of different socio economic group, age and cultural background were selected from Bangalore city of Karnataka district .Anthropometric assessment of the selected subjects was carried out using fat composition analyzer and through measurement of height, weight, waist circumference, waist hip ratio, BMI, REE. Lipid profile for all subjects was carried out and interpreted between anthropometric measurements. The subjects of age group between 21-30 years of both sexes have higher BMI compared to other age groups.64%  subjects REE was between 1200kcal-1400kcal of both sexes.35% of female and 48% of  male subjects had  high body  fat percentage. Visceral fat was found to be higher in 64 subjects. Majority of subjects were non vegetarian. Waist circumference was more in 32 male subjects and 29 female subjects. Waist hip ratio was more in 31 female subjects and 33 male subjects respectively. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL Cholesterol was on higher side in 60 subjects respectively.HDL was less in 52 subjects. Subjects with normal BMI had lipid profile on higher side. BMI,Waist circumference, waist hip ratio, Body fat percentage, visceral fat, was compared with lipid profile of same subjects. It was found that subjects with more visceral fat had elevated total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides with HDL on lower side. Nutritional assessment through body fat analyzer was found to be quick cost effective method to predict nutritional status and lipid deposition in subjects irrespective of different socio economic and cultural background


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