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Employee attrition is the process of employees resigning from the company. Company measures the attrition rate by the number of employees resigning every year. There are many reasons behind employee’s resignation from the current organization.Career growth, improper work life balance, better job opportunities, better salary, lack of motivation, lack of employee recognition are considered to be the reasons for employee attrition. The author focuses on the impact of employee attrition on the career development of employees working in the IT industry. To analyse the impact of employee attrition, some of the factors considered for career developmentare tenure, monetary benefits, and job performance influencingemployee attrition rate. A structured questionnaire is circulated to sample size of 110 respondents. Multiple regression is used to analyse both dependent and independent variable in the study. The results revealed that tenure and monetary benefits are influencing the employee attrition rather than theperformance of employees.

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