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Commercial cultivation of cashew nut begins in the early 1960s in India. Over the years, cashew became a crop with high economic value and attained the status of an export-oriented commodity, earning considerable foreign exchange for the country. This research is to forecast the export of cashew kernel form India using time series ARIMA model via eviews 10. ARIMA forecasting  model is used in various fields like predicting the price of shares, production of agriculture products, sales, GDP, etc. This paper covers time series analysis, unit root analysis using augmented dickey fuller test, autocorrelation function, partial auto correlation function, akaike information criterion, bayesian information criterion, adjusted R2 , and Q- statistics. Using ARIMA Model it is forecasted that export of cashew kernel from India will be Rs.6298.51 (Cr) in 2021. The results are numerically and graphically presented.

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