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This paper briefs on MAVlink(Micro Air Vehicle Communication Protocol), a protocol used for communication between UAV (unmanned air vehicle), drone to GCS (ground Control station) and inter-communication of subsystems  of the vehicle. It can be used to transmit the orientation of the vehicle, GPS location and speed. The protocol follows modern hybrid publish/subscribe and point-to-point design pattern. Data streams are sent as topics while configuration subprotocols are point-to-point. It implements multiple subprotocol for operator’s ease to control. Messages are defined within a XML file. it is designed as a header-only message marshalling library. It has Support for many programming languages, running on numerous micro-controllers/operating systems (including ARM7, ATMega, dsPic, STM32 and Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android and iOS. Allows up to 255 concurrent systems on the network (vehicles, ground stations, etc.).it has been a very reliable protocol. MAVLink has been used since 2009 to communicate between many different vehicles, ground stations (and other nodes) over varied and challenging communication channels (high latency/noise). It provides methods for detecting packet drops, corruption, and for packet authentication.

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