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This paper research is based on the different methods, techniques and analysis used for the purpose of the collection of information through the internet called "online research". Before going into brief, the word "online research" meaning have to be known individually (i.e.), In terms of telecommunications, the word "online" refers to the state of connectivity whereas the word "offline" refers to the state of disconnectivity. The word "research" means that it involves various process which includes systematic inquiry, collection of data, documentation of collected data, analysing and interpretation of the data to evaluate the reliability of data. With the intervention of internet, the traditional methods of collecting data through pen and paper has been evacuated and the modern research techniques have been emerged. As this modern research techniques is time saving and cost convenient where everyone prefers it for their research surveys. As a part of this study, a questionnaire based survey was conducted in 2019 with 50 respondents to know their perception towards online research and to evaluate the factors influencing this research surveys. Nowadays, everyone rely on online research information and data which is not very certain, in all cases it does not provide correct analysis of questionnaire provided by researchers.