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This paper presents a study conducted to identify the impact of visual merchandising elements, on consumer buying behavior, to identify the most appealing visual merchandising elements. The purpose of visual merchandising is to attract, engage and motivate the customer towards making a purchase, where it creates an impact on the consumer buying behavior. In fashion marketing, communications one of the most important tool is the retail environment. Visual merchandising is the physical representation and communication cue of the brand or retailer, through the creative grouping and presentation of the merchandise. The world of visual merchandising is all about fascinating tool of display which help in transformation of shoppers into stoppers, walk bys into walk ins and passers- by into passers- who- buy. Its is the art of implementing effective design ideas to increase the store traffic and the store sales .creating an attractive VM can draw the maximum amount of the consumer in , promote a sale of the slow moving product , announce of a sale or welcome a season .

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