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In today time of high technology and innovations in the field of engineering only hard skills don’t serve rather soft skills like communication skills, leadership skills, team work, patience, adaptability etc. are also required to get a good job, to remain stable in the job and to get ahead in the career. Without soft skills the survival is not possible. This paper mainly discusses the role of soft skills in making engineering career. Apart from this we have discussed the role of soft skills in Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Civil Engineering and Software Engineering. Lastly some suggestions have also been given in the last of the paper that will help in overcoming the obstacles that come in the way of soft skills. This paper is mainly based on secondary data collected from various research papers, articles, websites and magazines. However some primary data has also been discussed in this paper. The primary data has been collected with the help of face to face interviews and telephonic interactions done with some learned persons especially engineers.