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The construction industry is the major source of employment for workers in the unorganized sector. The nature of women’s work is highly fragmented in the unorganized sector. The unorganized sector has no clear-cut employer-employee relationships and lacks in most forms of social protection. The construction industry provides job opportunities for a large number of skilled and unskilled workforces. This industry is taking an important role in the construction of buildings, roads, bridges and so forth. About one third of their workers are women and children. The workforce employed in the industry has to face several issues related to discrimination, no proper fixed employer, low wages, health issue, insecurity in the job, lack of social protection, sexual harassment and injuries at the work place.  The conditions of women workers in the construction sites are very pathetic. So, this research attempts to analyze the socio economic & and family living conditions of women construction workers in the unorganised construction industry of the study area. It also recommends certain policy initiatives for the status of women construction workers.

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