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This research paper seeks to outline the way in which customer satisfaction has been evolve in the Tamilnadu tourism industry and the means by which this could be developed further to provide a measure of satisfaction with Tamilnadu as a destination. The tourism industry is made up of a number of different sectors including the travel, hospitality and visitor services sector. Within each of these sectors there are a number of individual enterprises that have attempted to measure customer satisfaction as part of their quality assurance programs. This has become more common as the industry recognize the importance of quality issues in an increasingly competitive environment. It has also been stimulated by the move towards an industry-driven accreditation system. This paper gives the outline examples of the ways in which these measures have been undertaken at the enterprise level and the accreditation framework within which these are often established. It also proposes the idea that it may be useful to extend satisfaction measurement from a focus on the enterprise to that of the destination. This is a much more complex task that at the individual enterprise level but may be worth the effort as destinations compete for market share.