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Andrographispaniculata is one of the medicinal plant in Tamilnadu.  By using the chemical fertilizers it may create an environmental problems.  Hence, Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been known to applied in various medicinal plants for their growth enhancements.  PGPR shows the direct as well as indirect mechanisms in plants.  In the present study, the Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria such as Azospirillumbrasilense, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescenes were inoculated to observe the effect of growth characters and also an antimicrobial activity of Andrographispaniculata were studied.  PGPR organisms were inoculated in various treatments.  Thus, the results revealed that, among the various treatments the consortium T7 (Azospirillumbrasilense+Bacillus subtilis+Pseudomonasfluorescenes) shows the maximum growth characters of shoot length (39.75 and 64.21cm), root length (21.32 and 24.48 cm), plant height (79.02 and 83.17 cm), Number of leaves (118.00 and 130.00 plants-1) and Number of branches (13.00 and 20.57 plants-1) were observed on 45 and 90 DAS.  And also the antimicrobial activity of test organisms Staphylococcus aureus,Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi shows maximum inhibition zone in leaf extract.

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