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Socio- economic condition is an economic and sociological, combined total measure of a person’s work, experience and economic and social position of an individual’s or families in relation to others, based on income, education and occupation. When analyzing a family’s socio- economic status, the household income, earner’s education, and occupation are examined, as well as combined income, versus with an individual, when their own attribute are assessed. Academic Achievement and Socio Economic Status influences collectively to the progress of individual. The academic achievement refers to achievement in a separate subject or total score of several subjects combined. Hence academic achievement is concerned with the quantity and quality of learning attained in a subject or group of subjects after a period of instructions. Thus better classroom achievement is one of the unique requirements for school pupils. The importance of scholastic and academic achievement has raised important questions for educational researchers. Today we are living in the world of science and technology which with the explosion of knowledge during the last few decades is fast approaching towards a technocratic age. It deserves special care and attention. In the present study an attempt has been made to study about Influence of Socio-economic status on classroom achievement of Tiwa students at primary level in Morigaon district of Assam.The sample consisted with the 200 Tiwa boys and 200 Tiwa girl’s student randomly selected. The classroom achievement test and socio economic status scale were used to collect data.

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