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Gamification is about taking the essence of games fun, play, transparency, design and challenge and applying it to real-world objectives rather than pure entertainment. In a business setting, that means designing solutions for everything from office tasks and training to marketing or direct customer interaction by combining the thinking of a business manager with the creativity and tools of a game designer. Millennials are totally comfortable with technology, and various researches also have shown that they crave variety in media and are born multi-taskers. Johari Window is a technique that aims to help people understand their emotional and physical relationship with self and other people. A gamified, highly engaging and successful training will ensure the increase of income within the company, excellent ROI and multiple benefits for the growth of employees. For better designing of gamification and understanding of customers, Companies can make use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) by collecting data like product interests, movement around the internet are better personalize marketing and sales pitch directly to the individual.

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