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In recent years international student body comprises of large portion in student community. There are countries that spend more time to attract the international students to develop the economic condition of state. In the next two decades the global international educational market will be dominated by the Asian countries by fulfilling 70% of demands in education sector (Bohm et al., 2002). In developing the economic condition of a nation, education sector plays a major role. According to Kotler, P. & Fox, K.F.A. (1995) in International education market student’s satisfaction is one of the key areas for universities. It is believed that satisfied students as a client become a source of ambassador for bringing more students from one’s own country. Athiyaman, A. (1997) relates the satisfaction of students with loyalty and the author argues that when learners are satisfied with good environment of learning it relates more positive factors for the students to be more loyal for the academic institution.

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