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The main aim of this study is to suggest that importance of synchronized efforts from help of peers, family, community services, cognitive behaviour therapy, psychological therapy, rehabilitation etc. for Sustainable Human Development to reduce level of alcohol consumption in lower or no alcoholism to make positive changes in Cognitive and Behavioral Problems i.e. lower level of conflictive thoughts and clusters of Defence Mechanism among Adolescent. Sample of the present investigation was confined from the population of the Maharashtra State. Effective sample was consist of 180 participants, in which 90 participants were having consumption of excessive alcoholism and another 90 participants was the adolescents recovered from excessive alcoholism or having lower or no consumption of alcoholism. To assess the Conflictive Thoughts the Conflictive Thoughts Analysis Inventory, constructed by C. G Deshpande were used and to assess the Defense Mechanism N.R.Mrinal and Uma Singhal. Defense Mechanism Inventory (DMI) Hindi was used.  Descriptive statistics i.e. mean and Standard Deviation (SD). Inferential statistics i.e. ‘t’ test and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Using AMOS. It could be concluded from the results that synchronized efforts from support of peers, family, community services, cognitive behaviour therapy, psychological therapy, rehabilitation etc. found significant predictor of Sustainable Human Development to reduce level of alcohol consumption in lower or no alcoholism to make positive changes in

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