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Methodology Objective of study   The main objective of this present study is to determine the relationship between parenting styles (Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive) and children’s self efficiency problems. Hypothesis:- In the light of the objectives, the following hypotheses were formulated: 1. High school children reared by  Authoritarian, permissive and authoritative parenting style will differ of parenting style.  2. High school children reared by authoritarian, permissive and authoritative parenting style will differ on self-efficiency. There will be a positive correlation between parental Behavioral Control and children’s Difficulty scores. Sample 20 sample select to present study among them all are High School Students age group within 12yr to15yr. Tool Parental Authority Questionnaire-Revised (PAQ-R) Conclusion  The aim of this study was to investigate the Impact of parenting styles on children’s self-efficacy. The results indicated that the results ofthose parenting practices have no significant relationship with self-efficacy of children. Thus, the average total scores of self-authoritarian parenting style, authoritative parenting style and permissive parenting style there is minor difference and the Statistical calculation of the value of is f - 0.25 so there no significance between them.

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