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The first objective of the present study was to assess hardiness, resilience and occupational stress in female doctors. Secondly to find whether hardiness and resilience have an effect on occupational stress among female doctors. The study was conducted on a total of 60 Female Doctors in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala selected by convenient sampling method. The data of the study were collected through the Hardiness Scale, The Resilience Scale and Occupational Stress Index . In this study, there is one dependent variable (Occupational Stress ) and two independent variables (Hardiness and Resilience), the research design is Two into Two research design. To find the effect of Hardiness and Resilience on Occupational Stress, two way ANOVA was used. The findings of the study indicated that Hardiness and Resilience doesn’t have an effect on Occupational Stress among Female Doctors. In conclusion, this study shows that Hardiness and Resilience doesn’t have a particular role in Occupational Stress among Female Doctors