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Inter personal relationship in physical education and sport is the physical educator’s baby, the nature and care of which is his responsibility, other teachers, administrative and field staff act as a support for it. They hardly initiate any plans and strategies to publicise programmes and achievements of the physical education department except to directly or indirectly carry to others what they see happening around as a routine-good or bad. Since the physical educator is directly in touch with the students, he is the central figure in public relations. The physical education teacher is the only person who comes in contact with the students more than any other member of the staff. At assemblies, physical activity classes, intramurals, extramural, demonstration etc. he is the key figure organizing, directing and controlling all movements and actions. As an instrument of health, fitness, performance and excellence, physical education is an integral part of organized educational effort, its true image does not seem to have been well publicized. Consequently people, in general, know little about its inherent philosophy, ideals, values and objectives. Even physical educators themselves may, perhaps, be not well aware of what people feel and think about physical education. The “understanding and appreciation” of profession-environment interactions and evaluation of the experiences emanating there from will surely make physical education an “effective” instrument of social change. This is possible through good interpersonal relations.