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Resilience is a term of multiple fields and perspectives, such that each perspective ends at same notion of strength. It’s only been past few decades that it grew and got attention in field of Human Psychology. In these decades manifold studied have been conducted on the topic across different cultures with diverse methods and dimensionalities. The study aims to provide brief information upon the different kinds of approaches that have been taken to study resilience. It is notable that few direct studies along with several reviews have been pooled for this purpose. Several clusters are explained to shed light upon the approaches taken and have existed for review. The future directions for further exploration are given. As existing literature is varied, diversified and not unanimous, the review aims to provide base so upcoming researches are more concrete and connected in some way giving more meaning to existing literature too. The limitation of the study is that only approaches and concept is reviewed in short and not the extensive factors and results that are of grievous importance.