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Every age has its monsters, this century is no exception. Stress is one of the biggest monsters of the present century. Stress may be defined as the adaptive physiological response of the human organism to internal and external forces and events which disturb the homeostatic balance of the individual. The imbalance may be caused by psychic, physical and social agents or conditions. The present study was undertaken to compare the sports stress between male and female university Basketball and Volleyball players. Sports stress has been assessed using Sports Stress Test constructed by Everly & Girdano. The reliability has been found to be 0.87. The total 24 students (12 female university Basketball players and 12 female university volleyball players) from Ranchi region who participated in Inter University tournament in basketball and Volleyball for the session 2016-17 to 2017-18 were selected as subjects by using purposive sampling technique. The age of the subjects ranged between 18-22 years. The obtained data were analyzed by applying “t” test between the scores of Basketball and volleyball female university players. The result of the study indicated that the significant difference exists between university female Basketball players and university female Volleyball players on sports stress. The university female Basketball players were significantly better in stress control as compared to university female Volleyball players.

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