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The purpose research attempted to study the Study of Psychological Well Being on Gender, Area of Residence and Faculty among College Going Students .Objectives- 1) To Search the Psychological Well Being on Gender, Area of Residence and Faculty among College Going Students.2) To Search the Interaction between Gender, Area of Residence and Faculty on Psychological Well Being among College Going students. Hypotheses:1) There will be no significant difference between Gender, Area of Residence and Faculty among Under Graduate students on Psychological Well- Being.2) There will be no significant Interaction between Gender, Area of Residence and Faculty on Psychological Well Being. Methodology. Sample: For the present study 120 samples was selected from Aurangabad district (MS). Non-Probability Quota Sampling was used. Research Design: In the present study a balanced 2x2x3 factorial design will be used.  Variables- The independent variables are Gender, Area of Residence and Faculty and Dependent variables are Psychological well-being. Research Tools- Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS) by Dr. Devendra Singh Sisodia and Pooja Choudhary (2012). Statistical Treatment: Mean, SD and ‘F’ values used. Conclusions - there is no significant difference between Genders, Area of Residence under Graduate students on Psychological Well Being. And B.Sc. College going students High Psychological Well- Being than B.A. and B.Com College Going students.

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