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The craze for winning medals in the Olympics and other international competitions has catalyzed the sports scientists to take interest in exploring all the aspects and Possibilities which can contribute to enhance sports performance to undreamt heights. Sports involve extremely complex behaviour issues. As a consequence of intense competition a sports man’s behaviour may undergo important change. Physical scientists and coaches have not be export only in the matter of skill training but also be engineers who understand the mechanism of human behaviour or the playfield, under extremely diverse situation sports psychology as an applied psychology has taken giant strides. Physical influences are the inherited biological characteristics that cause people to differ from each other. Socio cultural influences are internalizations from the environment that surround the individual. These influences are absorbed from parents, educator, social institution and media, and are the product of the society in which the people live. The single short experimental research design was used in the comparison of certain physiological variables among Combative and Non-Combative sports persons. A similar study may be conducted on the players of the other team and individual games. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the significant differences among the players of individual and team sports