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The present study was undertaken to investigate personality need dimension among Male Archery Players and Female Archery Players. Sample of the study is 100. The purpose of the study was to find out the personality need dimension among Male Archery Players and Female Archery Players. Hypothesis of the study are 1. There will be significantly difference between Male Archery Players and Female Archery Players dimension of personality.  Dr C Prakash Shrama Personality Need Inventory (PNI) were used the study. Besides these, a PDS was used to get the other necessary information relating to the respondents. It was conclusion that 1. Female Archery Players have significantly high achievement than the Male Archery Players. 2. Female Archery Players have significantly high affiliation than the Male Archery Players. 3. Female Archery Players have significantly better change than the Male Archery Players. 4. Male Archery Players have significantly high order than the Female Archery Players.

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