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Obesity is an increasingly important health problem worldwide including the developing countries. Obesity may not be considered as a specific disease but is one of the prime risk factor of non-communicable diseases. As the prevalence of obesity was more among female than male, the present study is conducted in Aurangabad city. For the study the females between ages of 21-40 are randomly selected from different areas of Aurangabad .The weight and height of the selected women are measured and BMI is calculated. According to WHO classification, the studied women were categorized under different nutritional status according to age groups. The prevalence of overweight and obesity from 21-40 years age is 20.55% and10.49 % among women from Aurangabad city. It is also resulted that the BMI among the studied females increases with increase in age. Similarly the overweight and obesity also has the rising trade with age among the studied women. To prevent further health problems due to obesity, it is recommended to bring awareness among the women to bring lifestyle modification.