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Psychology is developing in India recently. The role of Indian scripts is very crucial to understand psychology. The subject matter of psychology like mind, Intelligence, Personality and Emotion etc. are considered in Indian scripts. In Bhagwat Geeta,   persons are classified into three categories based on  Guna namely Satvagun,  Rajogun  and Tamgun; which can be treated as personality types.  The nature of mind is also explained in Tatv Vivek. Patanjali Yogasutrs’s role in behavior therapy is well known. Relaxation and Systematic Desensitization are developed from Patanjali’s Yogasutra. But some of  us  are not aware of India’s contribution to Psychology. In this research paper the researcher tried to attract psychologists’ attention towards Indian script for development of understanding psychology and research.  This paper will inspire the student of psychology to study the Indian Script which can be helpful to develop insight in psychology student.

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