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Teaching requires effectiveness as well as qualitative improvement for the betterment of the learners. At present it is felt that there is a decline in the quality of the teaching. For the teacher to be effective, certain amount of autonomy should be provided so that he/she is able to meet the diverse needs of children. As much as the learner requires space, freedom, flexibility and respect, the teacher also requires the same. The teachers and their heads must share a relationship based on equality and mutual respect to create a better and positive organizational climate. The present study is based on descriptive survey and was aimed to study the relationship between organizational climate and teacher effectiveness. It also examined the type of organizational climate existing in different media schools. For the present study the researcher has selected a sample of 150 secondary School Teachers from Aurangabad city50 each from Urdu, Marathi and English medium schools selected through random sampling method. Organizational Climate Inventory (OCI)-Somnath Chattopadhyay& K.G. Agarwal and Teacher Effectiveness Scale-Dr.UmmeKulsumwere tools for data collection. Findings of the study revealed that: Organizational Climate of secondary schools of Aurangabad city is of Controlled type, Teacher Effectiveness of secondary school teachers is average. There is no significant difference between the Organizational Climate of Marathi and Urdu medium secondary schools of Aurangabad city.