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Contemplation is a method for joining with our Supreme Nature and might be portrayed as 'fixing the psyche on the Supreme with commitment and order'. Dhyana or contemplation is the seventh of the eight stages in the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali and is a piece of the Antaranga or inward strides of Yoga, the way prompting self-acknowledgment. It is gone before by Dharana or one guided fixation that causes us toward stream into reflection. Maharishi Patanjali characterizes Dharana or focus as Desha Bandhah Chittasya Dharana meaning in this manner that fixation is the way toward restricting the cognizance to a point, spot, area or article. He further characterizes Dhyana or reflection as Tatra Pratyaya Ekatanata Dhyanam meaning in this way that contemplation is a which there is a relentless and nonstop progression of consideration and focus on a point, spot, district or article.

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