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The paper is a humble attempt to delve into the role and contribution made by the people of Northeast India in freedom struggle against the British rule. The tales of fortitude and indomitable spirit come alive only in the teachings of classrooms, but failed to reach the consciousness of the people in the rest of the country. The people living in the rest of the country are not even aware about the sacrifice of these noble people from northeast, who laid down their lives for their motherland fighting against the British. Unfortunately, the brave daughters and sons from the soil of Northeast are yet to get recognition from the people of India for the courageous leadership in the battle of freedom against the British. Tikendrajit Singh, one of the unsung heroes of Northeast (Manipur) was born on Saturday the 29th December, 1855, as the fourth and only son of King Chandrakirti’s fourth queen Chongtham Chanu Kouseshwari Devi. He holds a unique position in India's freedom struggle. With the inborn nature of a patriot, he boldly challenged the aggressive acts of the British. He was a champion who did oppose the expansion of colonialism and fought fearlessly against the British. For his patriotism, Tikendrajit is immortal. He has been called Manipurgi Nongsa, the Lion of Manipur. The Manipur state celebrates this day, August 13, as Patriot's Day to remember his role in the freedom struggle. The people of Manipur would always cherish him as a symbol against tyranny. 

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