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efficient in terms of heat transfer compared to the shell and tube of the heat exchanger. The corrugated heat exchanger has developed an upper hand due to the compactness and increased heat transfer coefficients. The achieve of the twist of the coil is the increased heat transfer coefficients, resulting in the growth of secondary flow. The centrifugal force and the torsion to which the fluid is subjected is administered respectively by the coil curvature and the coil pitch. With all the research findings focused on constant wall temperature, heat exchange between liquid and water is considered in the current work. The heat exchanger's efficacy was determined and the consequence of the stream of cold water on efficacy was observed, holding the flow rate of hot water mass constant, and vice versa. The data thus obtained was used in a parallel flow arrangement to perform the comparison of LMTD and efficacy for shell and tube with corrugated tube at 60 degree pitch. It was concluded that corrugated tube heat exchangers are superior in all respects upon successful completion