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Patronizing the evident increase in hand held device usage, cyber criminals have extended their spiteful doings towards Android operating system. Malware researchers are reporting frightening rise of detected Android malware from 2015 to 2018. In order to have some control over 500 new Android applications that are being released every day, there is need for a analysis technique that can give better results and can quickly detect malware instances in applications which earlier used techniques i.e. static and dynamic analysis technique lacked. In classification of static analysis of features and metrics are deduced from Androidmanifest.xml while in dynamic analysis of the system the metrics are derived from system logs and code packages possible collected when the system is in runtime. In this paper an effective method of deriving features using Vx Sandbox are analyzed on varied set of statistics. Analysis Platform is an automated framework for hybrid analysis of Android applications that combines aspects of both the techniques, i.e. combining dynamic and static analysis of prevalent malicious activity

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