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Increasing specialization and professionalization, coupled with the high degrees of work, independence over the past years, have increased the conflict budding in every sector. Conflict, if not properly managed, can lead to “stress, frustration, dissatisfaction and poor work performance. Poor mental health impacts individuals overall health, relationship with others, societal cost related to unemployment, poor work place productivity and many more. Teacher’s mental health issues are important because that not only have a detrimental influence on them but also directly affect classroom outcomes. The main aim of the study was to examine the relationship between conflict resolution styles on mental wellbeing of educators. It also aimed to find out the significant predictors of Educaors’ mental wellbeing. The sample consisted of fifty subjects. The Rahim’s scale for interpersonal conflict-handling style and Psychological Well-being Scale were used. The statistical tools used in this study were Correlation and multiple regression analysis.

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