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Whiteboards are the most common medium between a teacher and students to communicate in classrooms. In the mid-1990s, the popularity of whiteboards enhanced quickly and they have become a fixture in offices, meeting halls, classrooms, and additional work environments. However, the people who are using the product will suffer from MSD’s (musculoskeletal disorders) of shoulders pain, leg cramps and back pains due to prolonged standing and reaching heights to write on the board. In addition to that in many colleges or schools, the teacher alone should carry the markers, dusters, heavy books and exam sheets. Often people may forget those things when they are in a hurry. That will increase more effort on the person either physically or mentally. To reduce MSD’s to some extent, few modifications in the design of a whiteboard have been done to make it ergonomically friendly and also acts as a locker exclusively for rightful authorities or teachers.

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