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The following experiment investigates the effect of nanofluid on a mini-channel heat sink in comparison to pure distilled water. TiO2 nanoparticles of 99.9% purity and having mean diameter between 10-20 nanometers were used. They were dissolved in pure distilled water to form two nanofluid solutions having 5% and 10% concentration by weight. The work piece was an aluminium plate with dimensions of 45mm x 45mm x 6mm. Since mini-channel heat sinks can have channels with hydraulic diameter as high as 3mm, square grooves of same dimensions were cut off the plate. The workpiece was heated and then heat transferred was calculated among pure distilled water and the two nanofluid solutions. The flow rate was varied between 1.8 L/hr to 3.6 L/hr. The nanofluid was able to not only reduce the heat sink temperature by nearly 230C but also
improved the

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