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Arunachal Pradesh is a North East Indian state filled with mist and glorifying myth of its own origins. The region has a vast cultural, linguistic, ethnic and religious background. The people of this region are united in a way though the states are filled with many differences.The Northeast part of India has long been on the fringe of mainstream literary consciousness, edged out by its complex sociopolitics, crisis of identity and the prolonged rule of the gun. Issues like nationality, identity, ethnicity has increased with the onset of globalization. Apart from the entire crisis, women who were once considered sacred and worshipped are of late being trampled upon.This paper is an attempt to unveil the hidden myth that women are celebrated in unison with men and nature. In this region women mourn behind the misty land Arunachal Pradesh. Their voices are that of the subaltern which can never speak or if spoken will never be heard. Despite the growth in technology and society the mentality of the male chauvinists of this region remains rusted with the ideologies of patriarchy and dominance.

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