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This article is about culture clash and identity crisis in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies. She was born in London UK and during her young age she moved to Rhode Island with her Bengali parents. They have lived in US for more than thirty years. Lahiri observed that her parents retained her sense of touching exile and she herself grew up with incompatible expectations. Her abilities to convey the oldest cultural conflicts in the most sudden passion and to collect the different voices from different characters have the unique qualities and identities captured the attention of a wide audience. The ideas of culture clash, hegemony, identity crisis are Indian themes. The fact is that her parents are Indian immigrants. She has crossed many borders when she migrates. Though her parents are Indians, she is born in America. There she was settled and got America citizenship. It makes her both migrant and diasporic writer. In her works, she focused the concept of migration and the consequences of it. It reflects the painful life of migrants and how much they are missing their homeland/ Motherland.

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