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This paper tries to expose the Dalit children’s life as toys in the supertitious role of religion. Based on the “varna”caste system, Hindu religion only headed to all religion in India.This concept followed by generation to generation and ruined religion’s peace and separated people inorder to follow different religion. After Independence, social activist’s rite movemnet of religion, insisted Government and law-makers to provide religion rights to follow their desirable religious order without any oppression. It’s results Indian consitution issued law that Every Indian can follow their religious order without disturb others freedom. Even Dalits belong to Hindu religion they won’t get any respect from society. This effect made Dr.B.R.Ambedkar denied to follow Hindu religion of multiple dissimilarity. So he became a devotee of Buddha religion, also he insited Hindu oppressed people to follow Buddha religion. Religion invented for spread love, peace and faith. Later religious order designed by preists and tyrant rulers as their own favour and create disparity in Hindu religion.

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