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In recent years,solar energy is an unavoidable resource, but due to intermittent nature, it gives a challengingtask to establish an energy interconnect. So,Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) system in collaboration with batteries can have efficient and constant power output. This paper presents the modelling of SPV system to charge battery by operating at maximum point using Artificial neural networks. A PV array of 200W is designed and is simulated using varying insolation and constant temperature of 25  From the simulation of Fuzzy logic and Artificial neural networking based MPPT techniques, it is evident that the results obtained by ANN MPPT technique are better than fuzzy logic MPPT method.ANN based system reduces operational time and increases the efficiency of SPV module, and alsogives appropriate current and voltages for efficient charging of battery, thus increasing the battery life span and reducing the ripples in output power.

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