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Wind energy conversion systems (WECS) are one of the most prominent clean renewable energy sources adopted by many countries due to its reduced maintenance costs and high reliable operations.  Grid codes demand WECS to get synchronized with the grid and supply reactive current when any grid faults are subjected. Reactive power compensation devices like STATCOM are used in windfarms. Reactive currents are generated by coordinated controlled operation of WECS and STATCOM using Phase locked loops (PLL) based-vector control methods. Due to imbalance in the generation and demand WECS loses synchronism with the grid during severe faults conditions. In this paper coordinated control strategy is adopted using Fuzzy logic controller for WECS and STATCOM during severe fault condition is proposed. The synchronism is maintained by balancing the active powers at both the ends. Fuzzy logic control delivers optimal operation by supplying reactive power through STATCOM to the wind farm balancing the voltage profile during abnormal conditions. Effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated using simulation studies.

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