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Over the years Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a concept comparatively new to India, is rapidly picking up pace. CSR has become a fundamental business practice and has gained much attention from the management of large international companies. It facilitates the alignment of business operations with social values. Corporate Social Responsibility is now accepted as a means to achieve sustainable development of an organization. Hence, it needs to be accepted as an organizational objective. According to New Company Law, 2012 corporate must contribute 2% of their net profits towards CSR which made Indian companies to consciously work towards CSR, as it required a prescribed class of companies to spend a portion of their profits on CSR activities. Companies in India have quite been proactive in taking up CSR initiatives and integrating them in their business processes. This paper is an attempt to understand the present scenario of CSR in India and also present the concerned issues and challenges of CSR, and providing the suggestion for accelerating the CSR.

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