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Occupational stress is one of the major issue related to one’s job. Occupational stress often stems from unexpected responsibilities and pressures that do not align with a person’s knowledge, skills, or expectations, inhibiting one’s ability to cope. In this regard the present study is focused on studying the effect of occupational stress on well-being and job satisfaction of the bank employees who are working in public and private sectors. The purposive random sampling technique was adopted in the present study. The participants (N=100, Govt. Sector Banks=50, Private Sector Banks=50) were administered Occupational Stress index (developed by Srivatsava and Singh, 1981), Subjective well-being (developed by Nagpal and Sell, 1992) and Job satisfaction scale (developed by B.C. Muthyaa, 1973). Pearson Product Moment Method statistical technique was used to find out the interrelationship between occupational stress, subjective well-being and job satisfaction. The result of the present study indicate that there is a significant relationship between occupational stress, well-being and Job satisfaction among the bank employees. The paired sample t-test results found that there is a significant difference between bank employees of public sector and private sector ion their level of occupational stress, well-being and job satisfaction.