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The present study was conducted to study the relationship of creative management, teacher effectiveness, teacher stress and teacher commitment with different dimensions of managerial leadership. In order to conduct present study 450 teacher educators with doctorate degree and without doctorate degrees, with different levels of experience were selected from 45 selected colleges of education taking 10 teachers from each institution were selected randomly. Creative Management Scale prepared by the investigator, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Bass and Avolio, 2003), Teacher Commitment Questionnaire (AmitKauts and AachalKalia, 2012), Teacher Effectiveness Scale (Mutha, 1982)and Teacher Stress Questionnarie (Otto (1983) and Adapted by Max Smith and Sid)were used as tools for the present study. The findings of the study revealed that there is significant relationship in the creative management and managerial leadership. This means that variation in the creative management in any manner would have remarkable impact on the managerial leadership and vice versa. It is also found that there is significant relationship in the teacher effectiveness and managerial leadership. Hence, increased practice of transformational and transactional leadership would ensure better teaching effectiveness in the educational institutions and vice versa. Another finding is that there is significant relationship in the teacher stress and managerial leadership. This means that increased teacher stress may become a cause for the action orientation of managerial leadership and managerial leadership may also act as a stressor among teaching professionals. It is also found that there is significant relationship in the teacher commitment and managerial leadership for transformational and transactional leadership dimensions of Managerial Leadership. Hence, increased practice of transformational and transactional leadership would ensure better teaching commitment in the educational institutions and vice versa.

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