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Youth falls between the childhood and adulthood ages of 14 to 25. At this stage as an youth one should construct their Self-Concept which is influenced by variables like lifestyle, peers, gender and culture. This article aims to find out the financial literacy level among the youth in Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli District. Financial literacy is the knowledge of taking effective decisions on handling money with respect to saving and spending. Youth which is considered as children by the parents are kept out of money matters so as not too burdened by the toughest life of academic studies and in turn face the difficulties of handling money once they grow up. Youth will be considered as financially literate only when they are taught to handle money right from when they are given pocket money for their expenses. The purpose is to find out whether there is any interrelationship between Financial knowledge, behavior, attitude with regard to the age, gender, income etc of the youth. It is the stage at which a person should develop a sound financial knowledge to avoid choosing wrong financial products. So this article aims to find out how financial literacy among youth and how it helps to improve their financial well-being.