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Introduction: This study mainly focuses the people’s awareness and perception about the solid waste disposal. The survey method and possibly covering the socio-economic, demographic and environmental variables that are largely determined the behavioral pattern of household solid waste management. Objectives: a) to simplify the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of respondent’s participation in solid waste disposal, b) to explain the public awareness towards to household waste disposal, c) to analyze the attitude of people regarding household solid waste disposal. Methodology: The survey is used for easy interpretation and interrelationship between variables. Conclusion: More than half of them are using small dustbin to put household wastes. One forth, half, and one fourth of them are disposing waste daily once, twice and thrice respectively. They are disposing three and six kilograms of bio-degradable and non-degradable waste/week. Three fourth of the respondents are opinioned that they are satisfied with the works of municipality sweepers.

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