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Rene Lenoir came up with the identification of the exclusion. He listed exclusion on the basis of social-economic conditions. He included mentally and physically handicapped, aged, suicidal people, abused children, delinquents, substance abusers,  single parents, multi –problem households, asocial persons, marginal (Lenoir 1974). The departure point was due to the dissatisfaction of French intellectual with the British concept of poverty. As the European version of social exclusion focused on  deprivation and inequalities. It intensified the research in the area of participation and customary way of life which mainly focused on financial well being, income inadequacy and consumption (Room 1995). The EU provided practical and moralistic argument for policy modification. It focused on failing regarding the involvement of individuals and groups in political and economic life. Social rejection as a leading idea has given the way to policy matters as pension reforms, minimum income, health care, child care and the participation of women in labour market.

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