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Good Governance has a great importance in District Administration. District in India is a most important and basic unit of field administration as it is a suitable geographical unit set with practical methods of management of public affairs. This level can also be called the ‘pivot’ or ‘cutting edge’ level of administrative structure because it is at this level that the government comes into direct contact with its citizens. All government agencies’ programmes and policies take a clear cut shape at district level. District is the main point of contact between administration and people. All the welfare activities, planning and development functions are performed at the district level. So the district is the nodal point of administration in India. Good Governance simply means looking after the welfare of all in all respects. Good Governance involves high level of organisational efficiency and effectiveness for responding in a responsive way in order to attain the predetermined desirable goals of the society. If Good Governance is achieved at district level, then administration can solve the problems of citizen’s in a right and easy way because at the district level people comes into direct contact with administration. The present paper is discussing about the new projects/schemes of Center Government or State Government to achieve good governance at district level and also talks about the problems of these projects/schemes and give suggestion.

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