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Homosexuality has always been a less talked about subject in the Indian context. Kerala especially, adopts an even more ‘conservative-homophobic’ approach in its dealings with issues of sexuality. Popular culture has begun to provide us with positive glimpses of lesbian lives and desires, yet young women who identify themselves as lesbians negotiate sexual subjectivity and desire in a cultural context. This may be because, the fears and social stigma associated with the lesbian ‘other’ are rife and lesbians are liable to be rejected by the society. The film Sancharram sheds a more positive light on the portrayal of lesbian women. It stresses on the fact that this form of sexual orientation is a matter of free-will and choice and not because of coercion from any external influence. This paper intends to argue that the portrayal of lesbian women in the film Sancharram reemphasizes the dominant sexual orientation as heterosexuality. Thus even though heterosexuality is interrogated, ultimately it retains its dominance.

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