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Transgender issue is most common problem in our society. The number of transgenders in our society are increasing gradually but we cannot accepting them for our narrow vision.It is very shameful to us that in the time of modern culture we breaking many old age concept and accepting new concept, whereas in the time of transgender issues doing hide-and-sick game. So, for that concernedwe need clear-cuts ideas about transgender and which will be happen through educational knowledge.Let us try to understand about meaning of the term-Transgender people are those people whose gender identity or gender expression differs from their birth sex. The reviewed literatures mainly focused on primary problems and social acceptance of transgender people. Very few researcher focused that education can take roll for empowerment of those people but not mentioned that curriculum can take roll, Especially the M.Ed. Curriculum. The focusing on M.Ed. Curriculum is importance because this is the professional and mostly filed based work as a teacher educator. If we emphasis the transgender term into M.Ed. Curriculum then it will be helpful for transgender empowerment easily by teacher educator. Indian society look the teacher as “guru” so, as a teacher educator it is easy to spread the acceptance thought of transgender into the society and grass root level of education system. I purposively analyzed 11 central university out of 22, where M.Ed. courses are running presently and the interpretations are displaying that transgenders are not given as such importance for their empowerment.

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