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The university library, to be effective, must reflect the goals and mission of the university in all the functions, activities, operations, services, collection, physical facilities, ICTs applications in house-keeping operation, and assistance of knowledgeable and courteous staff in delivering the services. Organisational theory and managerial wisdom advocates that for the survival of any organization, the nature of the organisation must be compatible with the environment. Customer service and library effectiveness is an important aspect of organizational effectiveness and it is a dependent factor of customer satisfaction. Customer Service and customer satisfaction view library and its services from customer perspectives and lead to outcome measures, whereas performance measures concentrates on library and lead to output measures. User satisfaction as well as efficient utilization of resources is the conceptual basics of library effectiveness. The service which satisfies to a high degree information and research needs of faculty, students and others users and contributes to the success of educational and development goals of the institutes in an effective manner is known as quality of service.

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