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Concept of corporate wellness began few years ago with a special focus on physical health and safety of employees. Currently the definition of wellness has gone beyond the realm of physical health and safety of employees and has taken into its range a variety of programs aimed not only on physical health, but also aims to work on social and emotional health of employees which motivates the employees to perform better. Lot of innovative programs and tools have been designed to support both employees and employers and have proved to be successful in the areas of organizational culture, reduced absenteeism, attracting talented people to companies and also as a technique to save money. The challenge faced by organizations in the current scenario is about creating a cost effective and impactful wellness program. The purpose of this study is to understand the various corporate wellness program offered by the companies, how it is perceived by their employees and understand their level of satisfaction towards such programs. The study is descriptive and exploratory in nature. It is based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the information solicited through a survey of a sample of 100 respondents working in various corporate sectors in Bangalore city. The key findings’ emerging from this survey focuses on determining the impact of corporate wellness programs on the employees of the company.

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